Have you ever found yourself driving somewhere and, all of a sudden, you can’t remember the last few miles? Or perhaps you’ve zoned out during a meeting and snapped back […]
Anger is a Secondary Emotion
“Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.” -Eckhart Tolle When we experience anger, sometimes the anger is all we can feel. Rest assured, however, the emotion of anger […]
Don’t Pretend Something is Nothing
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we have five needs that are innate within all of us. Additionally, these needs must be met in order. The first of these needs […]
Good Mental Health Does Not Happen Passively
Most of us have thoughts from time to time that we need to do something to get into better physical shape…”I should get more exercise,” …”I should drink more water,” […]
Knowing Yourself Deeply Can Help with Depression and Anxiety
We are with ourselves all day every day, so it may seem like we must, therefore, know ourselves quite intimately. However, our attention and focus most days is on others […]